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Strategic content marketing tools you NEED to know about

Most B2B marketers are moving towards content marketing as an integral part of their strategy. If you haven’t yet, make 2021 the year to start! Even with limited resources, there are hundreds of tools serving tons of purposes at your disposal, making your life easier and providing more bang for your buck.

Discover some of the top tools of the trade below and pick out the ones that will best help you optimise your marketing plan and fill in the gaps.

1. SparkToro

Take the guesswork out of finding your customers and reach them where they actually hang out. Avoid research and surveys with Sparktoro: a tool that crawls online profiles to get a deeper understanding of your users’ profiles. With this insight into your users’ behaviour, you can make better choices, forge relationships with the right influencers, or create content that meets their needs.

2. Contentsquare

Move away from surface-level website analytics! Contentsquare helps identify the more hidden user behaviours and uses this data to push for more successful results in revenue, engagement, and growth. The platform collects all digital experience data, so you can access it whenever you need it, without tagging.

3. Writer

AI is this year’s up and comer in the marketing industry. Writer’s AI copy editor is a great solution for teams with limited copywriter budgets. This tool uses your own messaging and branding to keep your voice and external materials consistent across the board. Add it to Chrome or WordPress to make your copy-editing schedule a breeze.

4. Trello

Well known in the agile tech sphere, Trello keeps team communication and planning efficient through Kanban style boards. Although this tool doesn’t help synthesize your analytics, it can be a crucial part of outlining your content marketing schedule. Your team can manage and collaborate on specific tasks more productively.

5. Google Trends

Tried and true, Google Trends shares the trending topics based on the number of searches out there at a time. Understanding trends in real time can help you design a more effective content strategy that reaches not only your users but new ones as well. Side note: It can also help you define better keywords for SEO!

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And if you would like to find out more about our content marketing services, you can drop us a line here.