2 min

7 digital marketing blogs to enjoy with your morning coffee

As a digital marketer or small business owner, you need to stay on top of the latest trends, algorithm changes and new technologies. Sometimes doing so can seem a little overwhelming. To make your daily search-and-scroll a little faster we have compiled our top seven content marketing blogs that are easy to scan making them the perfect companion to your morning coffee. Go forth and bookmark!

1. Content Marketing Institute

If you dabble in content marketing then you’re most likely already aware of the Content Marketing Institute (CMI). With a name like that, it’s no surprise that their blog tackles all the hot topics from strategy and audience building to social media and SEO. And if reading isn’t your jam, check out CMI’s YouTube channel and podcasts. Like, comment, subscribe!

2. Moz

What is Moz? Glad you asked, Moz builds tools that make SEO, inbound marketing, link building, and content marketing that much easier. So if you’re looking to up your SEO game, this is the blog for you!

3. Spark Toro

Just like Moz, SparkToro was cofounded by Rand Fishkin. However, his new venture tackles a slightly different field of marketing: influencer and audience intelligence. The platform basically lets you discover where your audience hangs out online. Sounds interesting right? So is the blog... click here and start reading.

4. HubSpot

Whether you use HubSpot tools or not, it’s worth checking out their education resources as well as the blog, which offers some great insights into digital marketing, including Instagram as well as email marketing, SEO and customer retention.

5. Neil Patel

A household name in the digital marketing world, the New York Times best-selling author Neil Patel offers a plethora of educational content on his blog. Learn about paid ads, SEO, marketing, sales or social media. Whether you like reading, listening or watching – you’ll find something up your alley, we’re sure of it!

6. The Content Strategist

Keen to learn about storytelling and creating great content for your business? Then you’ll love everything about The Content Strategist, the official blog of content marketing platform Contently.

7. Mashable

Not a blog, more of a news site and not too serious…if you’re trying to stay current and up-to-date, then you need to be hitting up Mashable at least once a week. From tech, science, pop culture and the latest in social media – this is your super-cool, new best friend.

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