2 min

5 business podcasts to add to your playlist

Listening to others and exposing ourselves to ideas and theories by people who are more successful than us or who have already achieved what we are setting out to can help us shape new directions, re-evaluate plans and keep us moving forward. By accepting that learning is an ongoing process and that we can discover ideas everywhere, we give ourselves permission to fuel our minds, imagination and creativity – which ultimately lets us become more successful.

Podcasts are a great resource for inspiration. Here are five business and career podcasts to help you reach your personal and professional goals.

1. How I Built This

With How I Built This, journalist and radio host Guy Raz explores the stories behind some of the world's best-known companies, talks to innovators, entrepreneurs and idealists and gives insights into the movements they built. Guests include David Neeman, the man behind JetBlue Airways, Policygenius’ Jennifer Fitzgerald or Julie Rice and Elizabeth Cutler founders of SoulCycle.

2. HAE Invites

Harvard Alumni Entrepreneurs presents HAE Invites. Hosts Denise Silber and Philip Guarino speak to exceptional entrepreneurs and innovators about the strategies they use, the lessons they learned and what makes them stand out. HAE Invites is a fantastic podcast for anyone looking to learn more about leadership, start-ups, investing and much, much more.

3. WTF: What’s the Future?

Join digital anthropologist, futurist and author Brian Solis and uncover how digital transformation and tech trends are impacting markets, society and us as individuals. Each episode tackles a different topic, including robots, creating a disruption strategy and how to become a master influencer.

4. Beyond the To-Do List

Want to become more productive? This is the ultimate podcast for you! Beyond the To-Do List has been around since 2012, so there are over 350 episodes waiting for you. Erik Fisher talks with his guests about productivity strategies that work (and also those that don’t). Expect episodes around neuroscience, stress reduction, technology and relationships.

5. The School of Greatness

Entrepreneur and former pro football player Lewis Howes invites you to join The School of Greatness. The podcast, which launched all the way back in 2013, covers topics such as fitness, money, nutrition, spirituality, entrepreneurship, mental health and human rights in both an interview format with interesting and fascinating people including Jay Shetty, Arianna Huffington, Alanis Morissette, Tony Robbins, Rhonda Byrne, as well as solo episodes.

For more helpful resources, check out our blog post on 7 digital marketing blogs to enjoy with your morning coffee. Enjoy!